Welcome to my blog my wonderful peeps!
Today, well really tonight, i was thinking about how boring my blog is. Cause lets face it, i haven't blogged in like FOREVER, and half the reason is, is because i cant find anything worthy of blogging about, or i just forget. But anyway (getting off track) when i was sitting here biting my thumbs and being bored i thought of a game we could play! Everyone who really really REALLY wants to play, or if you don't you could force yourself to, let your evil half take over for just a few minutes.
Buuuut, the game really isn't all that, i was just thinking of a game we could play, while involving anime (cause you know i LOVE anime!) and i thought, it would be awesome for us to have a game with them. But enough of the chit-chat ill explain the rulez!...
..::Who are you::.. (<<
First, someone has to tag you (ill be starting so someone will eventually get to you)
and that person has to pic a few friends whom they love, or hate and find anime pictures that look like them in Their eyes (meaning your eyes) so lets say, i pic Becky (...idk who that is, but i chose her..<<>IDK shut up me!)
and Becky is a preppy kinda girl, sorta doesn't think about anybody but herself...you know..and she had like dark dark brown hair and brown eyes, well lets say i know her and i got tagged so i do her, and in MY eyes i see her as a yellow bunny anime girl! *shrugs* thats who i see her...or if i know someone who is all into hard rock music, i would pick like a skater punk anime girl/boy with like whatever color hair i see them in, get the drift..? Now you can do as many friends as you want, and you can get tagged again...but if you do ALL your friends at once you have used all your turns of going and must step away from the game, but you can read other peoples blogs and see what they have put...so, Yea! I know its boring, but i really cant wait to see what my fellow bloggers are thinking in their own strange twisted minds, i know mine are FAR to twisted and sick and wicked to explain, but i think i can hide it for now *evil giggle* Any way, my first person im going to be doing is "Daisy/Claudia">>Blog>> " Justcallmedaisy.blogspot.com "
so yeah, get ready!!
I see daisy as a sweet innocent person, her hair is green cause i see that glow around her, not a weird lime green, but a nice calm forest green...but yet she has this other side to her, that only her true friends and family can see, her wild side!
I think that her Protective and strong side looks like this...She`s extremely strong and wild with power, but she hides it form her enemies, and only shows it when she feel threatened or comfy! I Love her so much, and i feel so blessed that i have met her, Thank you Claudia for being my friend and sticking with me!
But anyway, it works like that, so now i have to tag some peeps...Hmm...
I choose...
Grace " Amazinglygracie.blogspot.com "
India " Instantindia.blogspot.com "
So there you have it, i hope you enjoy the game! Play nicely and Haaaaaave fun!
Goodnight all my peeps!
Sorry, i know either grace or in will pic you, so i didnt worry....dont think this is personal or anything, chilax man...
*through teeth* HOW?!
*sighs annoyed*
Because i just know...
Someone will pick you....geez...
Don`t Harass me on my own blog, dude...
Everything will work out....
X3 tee hee!
OMG sorry i like just read this post lol. Thanks for tagging me!
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